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Class Types


This class focuses on training large and small muscles. Large muscles include chest, back and leg muscles. Small muscles include shoulder and forearm muscles, and muscles located on the back of the arm.

Each class will target 1 large muscle group and 1-2 small muscle groups.

  • Chest day: Train muscles in your chest, front shoulder, lateral and shoulder, and muscles located on the back of your arm.

  • Back day: Train muscles in your back, shoulder and forearm.

  • Leg day: Train every muscle group in your legs, including the front of your legs, buttocks, hamstrings, and calves.


  • 10 minutes of warm up

  • 40 minutes of workout. Each exercise will include 30-60s rest in between sets.

  • 10 minutes of cool down

Strength & Conditioning

This class focuses on building strength in big and small muscle groups, increasing their endurance, stamina and size.


You will practice basic compound movements like squats, deadlifts and overhead presses to promote good form and technique in your movement foundation.


Complex movements like overhead squats, weighted clean and push presses will build mobility, stability, and strength of your entire body.


  • 10 minutes of warm up

  • 30-40 minutes of barbell exercises focusing on strength

  • 10-20 minutes of exercises focusing on stamina and endurance

  • 5-10 minutes of cool down

Olympic Weightlifting

This class focuses on the snatch, clean and jerk movement that you see in the Olympic weightlifting sport. You’ll start off with a basic warm up and work your way up to an advanced lift.


  • 10-15 minutes of warm up

  • 30-40 minutes of lifting practice

  • 10-15 minutes of cool down using barbells


Specially designed by our head coach, Aum, this class is a 60-75 minute conditioning program.


Some parts of the class could also be in teams.



  • 10-15 minutes of warm up and strategising

  • 40-60 minutes of workout

  • 10 minutes of cool down


This class is also known as aerobic capacity, a specialty program by CrossFit.


Aerobic conditioning trains your cardiovascular system (heart, blood vessels and lungs) to increase the amount of oxygen available to muscles. You will activate the three metabolic pathways in your body by practicing aerobic and anaerobic exercises, and doing interval, endurance and threshold training.


  • 5-10 minutes of warm up

  • 30-40 minutes of workout

  • 10 minutes of cool down


This class utilises bodyweight exercises to build strength and resistance. Together with gravity, eccentric exercises lengthen and strengthen the smaller muscle groups.


You will practice foundational gymnastics movements like animal movements, hanging, planks, pike and hollow body. Advanced movements include handstands, pull ups, muscle ups and rope climbing.


  • 10-15 minutes of warm up

  • 20-25 minutes of strength exercises

  • 10-20 minutes of conditioning exercises

  • 10 minutes of cool down

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